We got back home last Thursday after 6 weeks in the UK. The sun shone all day on 10th which was a nice change after the wind and rain in North Wales and Devon. Today was so nice we could have lunched on the terrace if the table and chairs hadn't been put away in the barn for winter! Just to prove to us why we moved here.
We had arrived at Nicky's on 22nd November to find her spending most of her time with Bryony at the Special Care Baby Unit. Shortly after, Bryony started breast-feeding properly and Nicky had to go and stay with her, on tap as it were, so we were left on our own holding the fort - rather strange but the dogs were happy. Nicky and Bryony came home at the end of November, to everyone's relief.
We carried on walking dogs, cooking, cleaning, horsey pooh picking and doing sundry DIY jobs including building a big range of bookshelves
until Glyn came home on 15th December. He and Chris managed to put lighting through the stable block, and outside, finishing at mid-day on Christmas Eve. Then it was holiday time.
We passed Christmas en famille because Glyn's parents came up for a few day to help with the over eating and drinking! So the usual festivities
and a window in the weather - great!
After Christmas we headed for Devon leaving Nicky and Glyn to get used to looking after Bryony without doting grandparents getting in the way, well she is a little treasure. (and to do all the other chores)
We hot-bedded around old friends who looked after us incredibly well. The only problem was the competitive dining, but we can lose the overdose now we're back. Work on the big open space downstairs starts soon!
Hi from Amina n Walees n good luck