Monday, 3 August 2015

Five years of retirement

It came as a bit of a surprise to Chris to realise that he retired on 1st August 2010.  A lot of water under the bridge since then - travelling, building a house, learning to live in France, etc.  Anyway, thought it would be a good time for a quick update.

After the car died and was taken to the local Citroen dealer, we went to the Alps for a week with the walking group and the Citroen workers took annual leave!  The Alps were superb, our first time there.  Good weather during the day then storms in the evenings, but cracking walking.

We had one day after our return before Judy went to the UK to visit parents, daughter and grand-daughter, still without car.  But then the garage phoned - not sure if the water pump had ruined the cam-belt or vice-versa but both needed replacing, and happily there was no collateral damage.  Expensive, but ...

Chris took advantage of Judy's absence to cycle around the department of the Landes, which most people think is flat, but not half of it.  Anyway, loaded the bike with camping gear, did 3 days on the bike, 1 day on the beach, 2 days on the bike again and a total of 360km.  Really good.

Early July turned stinking hot, up to 40 degrees at times and we hit the beach for five days in between fetes.  We spent a day playing traditional Gascon games as well as our usual quilles (skittles) which was all played in great spirit - we didn't come last but very nearly!  Then another day of quilles - helping prepare in the morning, playing in the afternoon then eating and drinking (naturally) all evening.  We played with a guy who was ex-champion of France (but as they only play in this area...) and played quite well for a change - we even made it to the final.  But then we crumbled so came second, but the winners gave us the cup "on merit" they said - I think it was because we were Brits, the only ones who try to play their games.

The next week was duck-cooking at our medieval fair and we've done a bit of culture as well.  First the (world-famous) orchestra from the Capitol of Toulouse then the dancers from the Opera of Paris - both really excellent - interspersed with a bit of trad jazz in a local hamlet.

In between we've built the shed from raw materials - this is for Judy to store all her gardening bits and pieces, Chris has the barn for bikes and tools etc. 

Have to add a ramp, put a coat of render on and track down some old tiles for the roof.  Then I'll have to find something else to keep him busy.

Saturday was a hard cycle ride with the Condomois followed by a boar feast, Sunday a walk followed by paella, then it's another medieval on Tuesday and then the fete at Montreal.  Never a dull moment!  Couldn't do all this if I was still working.  So, retired for 5 years and still not 65!  And, he's lost a stone!  How can that happen - I certainly haven't, quite the reverse!

It's still hot here, not the temperatures of early July fortunately, but hot enough, so we're praying for some storms tonight to water our poor plants.